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           0808 131 4400
(credit card)
24 mins   £ 22
 34 mins   £ 28 
44 mins   £ 44

Mediums have the ability to communicate with ‘spirits’ – these are people who were once living and now live ‘in spirit’. Mediums can bring messages from loved ones and offer ‘evidence of survival’ after death. They cannot summon specific people up for you, but will be able to give information and guidance on who comes to them in the reading. They may also give messages and info from either their or your ‘Spirit Guides’’

The word Psychic comes from the Greek word Psyche, meaning "breath of life", i.e. "soul or spirit". Someone who is Psychic is said to be in touch with their, and anybody else's, soul. Therefore they can perform a soul reading, where they can connect with someone's soul, through their aura energy field, and read information about a person's past, present, and possible future.

Live Medium
0906 517 2929 (£ 1,50/min)
Live 121 Psychic
0906 517 0202 (£ 1,50/min)
Live Tarot
0906 517 6622 (£ 1,50/min)
Irish Psychics
Click on flag

0906 calls cost £1.50/min (ROI € 2,40/min), BT/payphones and mobile will be higher. 18+. Get billpayer permission. Calls recorded. Regulated by Phonepay. Calls to 0808 are free, calls to 0818 charged at loc nat rate. Customer service 0870 046 0923 – Readings for entertainment only. RGA POBox 322 WA15 8YL.